

Monday, February 23, 2015


 I don't have a lot to say. Jaidy is at such a fun age. The stress of motherhood had died down to nearly no work at all. She's such an old soul. I feel like I live with a teenage roommate sometimes and not a 6 year old kindergartener. She really is my way friend. She is so helpful and responsible. She's sarcastic and has the best bitchy sense of humor. She is the sweetest kid I know and she really tries so hard to be a good person. I would be so incredibly lost without her last few weeks. The last month or so has been the hardest I have ever endured. A lot of people have had my back and I'm so grateful. This kid though, she shines so bright when I need her most. She's my teammate. She's my constant. She's my comfort. I'm proud and lucky to be her mama.