I dont have a lot of words lately, so I dont really write them. Too much to say about too many emotions, and no words to express them. Is that numb?

Monday, June 23, 2014
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Thursday, June 5, 2014
You know what makes me sick?
The fact that grown adult, educated, brilliant women are pinning pins on pintrist labeled "25 ways to celebrate your husband! " into a folder named "One day my prince will come!" NO!..FUCK NO. What are you doing?! 1. Please do not spend 5 hours a day web browsing how to celebrate your husband. If there isn't at least 7 Google searches on "How to treat your wife" in your browser history, there is absolutely no reason for you to spend time readying mile long list on it either. AND TWO! You just lost sweet glorious sleep researching ways to keep a husband you have yet to meet and still believe in a prince coming to sweep you off your feet. For fucks sake women! You worked too hard to educate yourself, to be a brilliant women wirh vast talent, WHAT are you doing?
No. FUCK no.
You take your damn self to that coffee shop or that dinner and you read your own book withOUT peeking over the top to see if any men seem interested. You just wait. Any man worth keeping does not need to be kept, I dont care how many pinterest pins tell you otherwise. You have no duty to keep a mans eyes on you.